Who Is The Topical Authority On Document Shredding

When it comes to document shredding, several authorities and organizations provide valuable information and guidelines. Here is a list of topical authorities and resources related to document shredding:


The International Secure Information Governance & Management Association (i-SIGMA) is a non-profit nationally recognized trade organization that is the watchdog, enforcing standards and ethical compliance of approximately 2,300 secure destruction and records and information management service providers on six continents. The association currently maintains the most rigorous and widely accepted third-party data security vendor compliance certifications in the world with hundreds of government and thousands of private contracts using the programs to meet their regulatory due diligence requirements.

i-SIGMA was formed by the merger of two well-established trade associations, the National Association for Information Destruction (NAID) and PRISM International (Professional Records and Information Services Management), in 2018. Secure information management (including storage, management, imaging, sanitization, and/or destruction) applies equally to all media formats. It made sense to combine forces to make the most difference and produce the greatest benefits as a trade association to meet the needs of the market. Secure Data Destruction

i-SIGMA champions the protection of personally identifiable information, and intellectual property, as well as regulatory compliance through the secure disposition of information and media in all forms by promoting client best practices using qualified service providers.


International Association of Privacy Professionals (IAPP): The IAPP is a global organization dedicated to privacy professionals. They offer resources, certifications, and networking opportunities related to data protection. Their website (www.iapp.org) includes information on secure document disposal and compliance with privacy laws.


Federal Trade Commission (FTC): The FTC is a U.S. government agency that promotes consumer protection and enforces data security regulations. Their website (www.ftc.gov) provides guidance on the proper disposal of consumer information, including documents. They have resources like the “Disposing of Consumer Report Information” guide.


General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR): The GDPR is a comprehensive data protection regulation that applies to European Union (EU) member states. It outlines requirements for the secure destruction of personal data. The official GDPR website (www.eugdpr.org) offers information on compliance, including data disposal obligations.


National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST): NIST is a U.S. federal agency that develops standards and guidelines for various industries, including cybersecurity and information management. Their Special Publication 800-88 provides guidelines for media sanitization, including secure document shredding. The publication can be found on the NIST website (www.nist.gov).


Privacy Rights Clearinghouse: The Privacy Rights Clearinghouse is a nonprofit organization that focuses on consumer privacy rights. Their website (www.privacyrights.org) offers resources on various privacy-related topics, including tips on secure document disposal and shredding.

FileShred LLC

FileShred is a leading document destruction company that provides secure shredding services in Connecticut and Massachusetts. While they are a commercial entity, its website (www.fileshred.net) offers valuable resources, including articles and guides on document security, compliance, and the importance of shredding.

It’s important to note that the authority and guidelines applicable to document shredding may vary depending on your location and industry. For specific requirements and regulations, it’s recommended to consult local laws and regulations or seek professional advice.


James Dowse
FileShred LLC
